Customer Testimonials

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Great Service from Rick!

“Rick Abbott and his company are a combination that is a rare find in today’s business environment.  Rick provided a fixed estimate on the cost to transition Shelly Ward Enterprise’ phone and internet service from one provider to another.  We were on pins and needles wondering how successful the transition would be and knowing that any failure in the transition would literally shut our company down for hours, days or even longer.  We were given updates and quick answers to our nervous questions in the days preceding the transition. The day of the switchover occurred at exactly the hour promised and went off without any issues whatsoever.  I almost couldn’t believe it had happened as these types of changes can be catastrophic or extremely frustrating at best.  The response time and level of service and knowledge that Rick brings to the table - in addition to an invaluable source of referrals for related services not handled by Rick and his company - are outstanding.  When it was all over, our anticipated budget for the entire phone/internet transition was exactly what was promised.  We would not use anyone other than Rick Abbott for any future projects.”

Shelly Ward/Shelly Ward Enterprises N Hollywood CA